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Get Your Business on the Map with Geofencing 

Get Your Business on the Map with Geofencing 


Even though geofencing sounds like a Shark Tank proposal for backyard landscaping, it’s actually a marketing tactic with measurable results that are bound to bring success to your brand. With consumer reliance on mobile devices today, geofencing is an impactful tool that is essential in any company’s marketing campaign. 

What is Geofencing? 

Geofencing is a location-based digital marketing tactic you can use to reach your demographic in strategically pinpointed geographic areas. It allows you to target potential consumers in relevant areas of your choosing to deliver fast-acting results.  

How Does Geofencing Work? 

Geofencing relies on technologies like radio frequency identifiers (RFID), Bluetooth, and GPS to establish virtual advertising boundaries around a strategically selected range of physical locations. Then, when an individual’s mobile device enters those virtual boundaries, they will receive an advertisement, promotion, or message from your company straight to their device.  

The locations you select should be strategically relevant to both your brand and your target audience’s lifestyle. For example, if you own an entertainment business specializing in children’s parties you would have more luck setting up geofencing boundaries around local parks than downtown nightclubs.  Consider where your audience lives, works, plays, runs errands, works out, travels, and more.  

What are the Benefits of Geofencing?

Geofencing is an incredibly fast and precise lead generation machine. It allows you to draw in new customers, boost brand awareness, and improve traffic to your company with uber-timely messaging that prompts immediate customer action.  

As an example, let’s imagine your brand is about to exhibit at a major conference or tradeshow. With geofencing, you can set up virtual boundaries exclusively around the event’s convention center. Then – voila! – anyone in your target audience who steps inside those boundaries will receive digital advertising inviting them to visit your booth before the tradeshow is over.  

Geofencing in Action: ENLaywers Immigration Campaign

Since the benefits of geofencing are numerous, here is how we implemented this strategy with ENLawyers, a Baltimore law firm, as part of their overall digital marketing campaign. 

Our goal was simple: reach people who would benefit from ENLawyers’ legal immigration services, and with geofencing, we exceeded this goal. Instead of using Saul Goodman-style advertising with tacky billboards and an intimidating lawyer’s face plastered on the side of a bus, we used a smarter, more personal way of getting the word out. With geofencing, we were able to target individuals in Maryland’s two most trafficked immigration centers, the Baltimore Immigration Court House and the Chesapeake Multicultural Resource Center, so that people in need received an ad for ENLawyers’ immigration services on their mobile devices. 

Because of the campaign, there was an astonishing increase in call volume and website leads, so much so that we had to decrease the geofencing strategy to keep the volume of leads manageable. Analytics showed that the geofencing mobile display ads brought in a clickthrough rate (CTR) 6 times higher than the industry average (0.67% vs 0.1%), and mobile interstitials delivered a CTR of more than 30 times better than the industry standard (3.42% vs 0.1%). 

Improving YOUR Marketing Results with Geofencing

As seen in the ENLawyers digital marketing campaign, the results are clear that geofencing not only works but also works well. With a compelling ad, the right strategy, and the best marketing agency in the business, your company can thrive too. 

Want to improve your company’s marketing strategy with geofencing? Devaney & Associates is here to help!