Let’s Talk

To the Women of the Future

To the Women of the Future

Women History Month

Women have shaped history in so many ways, and they’ll be shaping our future in even more.

For young women hoping to get their start in the advertising, marketing, and public relations world—and young women in general—here is the advice that we wish people had given us:

“Work hard. Go for what you want and don’t let anyone discourage you. If you don’t succeed the first time, learn from the process and try again.”

Diane Devaney, President


“Give yourself a break and don’t be so hard on yourself. Even though the workforce is still very competitive and challenging for women, you don’t need to know everything out of the gate. Work hard and don’t be afraid to ask more established women in your industry for guidance and help when you need it. Being humble and having a good work ethic will take you really far!”

Susan Casey, Media Director


“Don’t be in a rush. We all have felt the pressure to start our ‘adult job’ right out of college. Don’t feel bad if it takes you a few months—even a few years—to find your start. You will find something that sparks your passion, even if it takes a while. Time takes time.”

Sara Lohse, Copywriter


“Take every opportunity you get in life as a learning experience. Even in courses that seem irrelevant, or at jobs not related to your interests, take everything in and learn from it! You’ll have a better understanding of yourself and your work if you’re open minded to every experience (whether it seems relevant or not), and use it as an opportunity to grow and learn.”

Renee Landis, Account Executive


“As a young woman, the career advice that I would give other young women is to always be grateful and prepared to spot growth opportunities when life presents them. Always take on new challenges, even if you aren’t ready, because you never know where it will take you unless you try.”

Patricia Bienkowski, Administrative Assistant


“Always be willing to learn new things. When I was in college, we didn’t use the computer until my senior year. I had to learn all the programs on my own, and then a few years later all those programs were replaced! Over the last 20 years, the industry has changed A LOT as things are becoming more and more digital.”

Michele Poet, Art Director


“Don’t let a challenge derail you. If you can’t figure out a problem, figuratively walk away from it a minute–or a day if you can–and the solution might come to you. No one is expected to have all the answers in the moment. It is okay to say to someone else, or yourself, give me some time, I will figure it out. Also, everything passes. Today’s crisis becomes yesterday’s news eventually. And while you may remember an error you made a week ago, chances are others do not. So don’t beat yourself up over it. Each mistake and challenge is a learning experience. The only mistake you can make is not learning from one.”

Lisa D’Orsaneo, Account Manager


“Apply for the job you want, not just the one you think you can get. No one will ever be as hard on you as you will be on yourself, so learn how to take feedback and criticism of your work without taking it personally. And I promise one day you’ll have success with a project that seemed impossible at first – so don’t ever be afraid to try.”

Lindsay Hebert, Public Relations Director


“Always leave your mind open to learning new things.”

Kolleen Kilduff, Senior Art Director


“Be a good listener. In offices, a lot of people want to prove their value by talking the most or reiterating the obvious. (No one calls them out, but everyone knows what they’re doing.) Listen carefully to the problem and then make your presence known by contributing meaningfully to the solution.”

Casey Boccia, Creative Director